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Symbol Pick Date Pick Price Recent Price Today Change % % Return Tot. Trading Days Zone
TRGP 2024-06-18 123.44 131.57 -0.31 6.59 29 Chart Zone
KO 2024-07-16 64.27 67.05 1.48 4.33 9 Chart Zone
MO 2024-07-16 48.03 50.43 1.27 5 9 Chart Zone
PM 2024-07-16 106.10 113.36 0.14 6.84 9 Chart Zone
PPL 2024-07-16 28.29 29.44 0.75 4.07 9 Chart Zone
EVRG 2024-07-16 54.77 56.75 0.75 3.62 9 Chart Zone