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Shopify Inc (SHOP)

Industry: Software - Application

Shopify Inc, a commerce company, provides a commerce platform and services in Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Asia Pacific, Australia, China, and Latin America. The company's platform enables merchants to displays, manages, markets, and sells its products through various sales channels, including web and mobile storefronts, physical retail locations, pop-up shops, social media storefronts, native mobile apps, buy buttons, and marketplaces; and enables to manage products and inventory, process orders and payments, fulfill and ship orders, new buyers and build customer relationships, source products, leverage analytics and reporting, manage cash, payments and transactions, and access financing.

Shopify Inc Website


Institution %: 68.792

YTD Institution change: 6573565


Insiders %: 0.182

Insiders Purchases YTD:

Insiders Sales YTD:

Insiders Net YTD: 0

Analyst Ratings

Target Price: 66.14

Overall Rating: 3.9375

Strong Buys (5): 18

Buys (4): 9

Holds (3): 21

Sells (2): 0

Strong Sells (1): 0


52 Week Hi: 91.57

52 Week Low: 45.5

Beta: 2.293

50 Day MA: 62.72

200 Day MA: 69.604

Earnings / Revenue Trends

Qtr Earnings Growth YOY: 4.858

Qtr Revenue Growth YOY: 0.234

Forward PE:

Trailing PE: