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Organon & Co (OGN)

Industry: Drug Manufacturers - General

Organon & Co develops and delivers health solutions through a portfolio of prescription therapies and medical devices within women's health in the United States and internationally. Its women's health portfolio comprises contraception and fertility brands, such as Nexplanon, a long-acting reversible contraceptive; NuvaRing, a monthly vaginal contraceptive ring; Cerazette, a daily pill used to prevent pregnancy; Marvelon, progestin and estrogen used as daily pills to prevent pregnancy; Follistim AQ, used to promote the development of multiple ovarian follicles in assisted reproduction technology procedures; Elonva, an ovarian follicle stimulant; Ganirelix Acetate Injection, an injectable antagonist; and Jada, for abnormal postpartum uterine bleeding or hemorrhage.

Organon & Co Website


Institution %: 80.792

YTD Institution change: 6252153


Insiders %: 0.157

Insiders Purchases YTD: 2720

Insiders Sales YTD:

Insiders Net YTD: 2720

Analyst Ratings

Target Price: 29.29

Overall Rating: 3.4444

Strong Buys (5): 1

Buys (4): 3

Holds (3): 4

Sells (2): 1

Strong Sells (1): 0


52 Week Hi: 22.5397

52 Week Low: 10.5257

Beta: 0.811

50 Day MA: 20.9122

200 Day MA: 17.2403

Earnings / Revenue Trends

Qtr Earnings Growth YOY: 0.13

Qtr Revenue Growth YOY: 0.055

Forward PE:

Trailing PE: