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Amazon.com Inc (AMZN)

Industry: Internet Retail

Amazoncom, Inc. engages in the retail sale of consumer products, advertising, and subscriptions service through online and physical stores in North America and internationally.

Amazon Website


Institution %: 63.69

YTD Institution change: 39415476


Insiders %: 9.071

Insiders Purchases YTD: 0

Insiders Sales YTD: 6117990

Insiders Net YTD: -6117990

Analyst Ratings

Target Price: 160.61

Overall Rating: 4.6885

Strong Buys (5): 44

Buys (4): 15

Holds (3): 2

Sells (2): 0

Strong Sells (1): 0


52 Week Hi: 201.2

52 Week Low: 118.35

Beta: 1.155

50 Day MA: 187.1382

200 Day MA: 167.2952

Earnings / Revenue Trends

Qtr Earnings Growth YOY: 2.167

Qtr Revenue Growth YOY: 0.125

Forward PE:

Trailing PE: